Writing usually comes easily for me but for some reason I’ve been stuck on this letter for a couple weeks now. I sit down to write it and that’s about as far as I seem to get. It’s just so surreal to me that I’m actually writing a letter for Africa, the continent that first stole my heart when I stayed up to late writing an English paper. For any of you ‘ABC Family’ watchers out there, you know that if you’re up a little too late like I was, you’re going to catch the ever famous “700 Club.” Not the regular “700 Club”, but the one where the gray-headed man goes out into the streets of Africa, steps into the mud built huts of Kampala, and reaches down to pick up a little boy with blackened skin and sheer hope in his eyes.
I will forever remember this moment, not only because it was the night I fell in love with Africa and all of Its people, but it was the first moment that my heart severely ached for someone other than myself. Not just for a person, but a child. Not just a child, but a little boy. Not just a boy, but an orphan. On this night, my love story with a continent named Africa began. I started looking up scriptures about missions, orphans and widows, I spent hours watching videos and looking at pictures of the precious, wide-eyed children that had stolen my heart. Soon, it became a pattern. The more I fell in love with Jesus, the more I fell in love with Africa.
I’ve prayed and prayed for opportunities to be able to go and though a couple came up throughout my past summer, nothing seemed to fall into place. But I didn’t let that ruin my hopes and dreams of one day setting foot on African soil. One of my good friends, Chanley Tiffee, started an organization called ‘Open Your Eyes’ when she was twelve years old. Yes, you heard me right, twelve. Her website is listed at the bottom of this letter and I greatly encourage you to check out the wonderful things she is doing for young girls in Uganda. She took her first trip to the continent we both love, this past October and got to see the dream God gave her at twelve years old come to life five years later. She stood in front of the school the girls attend and got to meet each and every one of their thankful faces. To make this long letter shorter, Chanley asked me if I would like to go back to Kampala, Uganda with her this summer. My immediate response to her offer was a loud “YES,” followed with a “You’re not joking are you?!” She assured me again and again throughout the next twenty minutes that she wasn’t joking as I ran around in circles overjoyed, shouting “I’m going to Africa! I’m going to Africa!” My parents are wonderful supporters of my dreams and know how passionate I am about going overseas so it was a no brainer what their answer would be. They called me in the living room, and graciously said “Taylor...of course you can go!” My heart was filled with joy that I can’t even begin to describe.
What will we be doing? During our trip we will be working with the IMFC missionaries in the slums of Kampala. We will go from house to house; spending hours listening to people’s stories and sharing the beautiful hope that comes in knowing Jesus Christ. We will also be going to a few prisons, schools and orphanages with the intentions of serving in any way possible. We will be meeting a team led by Chanley’s Uncle, who is a youth pastor in Georgia, in Amsterdam.
Cost? As you can imagine traveling to a third world country is quite expensive. My total cost will be about three thousand dollars which will include my shots, flights, hospitality, etc. This trip is so important to me that I will NOT let the cost stop me from going. Whatever it takes, I will do. I have chosen to make Africa my graduation present which is why I sent out this letter. It’s kind of early I know, but I want to make sure that I have all the expenses needed ahead of time to ensure I’ll be able to go! If you received this letter, know that you are obviously a huge blessing to me. It’s because of YOU that I’ll be able to watch this dream of mine come true. The point of this letter was NOT to make anyone feel obligated to send me money though it would be greatly appreciated if you did. The smallest amount is the biggest blessing!
Whether God is calling me to missions or not, going to Africa is a desire of my heart that I’ve had for years. Africa is going to be a life changing experience and I am thrilled to see what the Lord is going to do through me during my stay. I will carry this trip with me forever and know that YOU have played a huge part in this amazing experience! I can’t wait for the next season of my life… Africa and College? Two thousand and eleven is going to be a great year! I’m going to leave you with some verses that are dear to my heart....
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “ Jeremiah 29:11
“Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.” James 1:27
"Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan." Exodus 22:22
"He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." Deuteronomy 10:18
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5
"The poor and homeless are desperate for water, their tongues parched and no water to be found. But I'm there to be found, I'm there for them, and I, God of Israel, will not leave them thirsty." Isaiah 41:17
For God’s Glory,
Taylor Bramlett
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