Sunday, December 19, 2010

Authentic Beauty:

For the past couple weeks I have been reading Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy. Girls our there, I strongly suggest you to read any book ever written by her or her husband, Eric Ludy. Especially the two that they wrote together, 'When God Writes Your Love Story' & 'When Dreams Come True.' And guys out there, read them too :) They have both helped me tremendously in my singleness. Authentic Beauty is all about becoming a set apart Woman of God. Though it is close to impossible in this world and generation we live in, it is MORE THAN WORTH IT to become completely lost and in love with MY Savior. And that is what I'm really taking in from this book. I'm desperately in love with my Maker but a lot of the time I catch my 'non-dating' issue bringing worry into my mind and I lose track of this beautiful, irreplaceable, romantic relationship that I have with Jesus Christ. So this book has helped me to realize that all I need to worry about is falling deeper & deeper in love with Jesus and as I do that, my prince charming will come soon enough. But Jesus Christ is my ultimate PRINCE! And forever will be! I'm going to share a passage from the book that really hit me today! :)

"Feminine mystique begins with guarding the most precious part of our existence: our intimacy with our Prince. (And our Prince, by the way, is the most gallant, chivalrous Gentleman of all time!) As we spend time in His presence, we become more like Him. As we become more like Him, we learn to guard what is sacred-just as he does. As His cherished princesses, we learn to protect the essence of who we are rather than letting it be trampled in the mud. We learn to keep the most intimate aspects of our being set apart for the eyes of our Prince alone."

Girls: Be Women of mystery!
Guys: Be like Jesus! 

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